
Xen Summit North America 2010 Date Proposal

Xen Community: AMD and the community are currently planning the next Xen Summit North America for April 21 – 22, 2010 in the Bay Area at AMD’s facilities. The event is being planned for Wed-Thurs to allow people to travel home on Friday instead of a Saturday. Before

Xen Summit Asia 2009 Registration Site Live

The Xen Summit Asia 2009 Registration Sites are now live and ready for attendees to sign up. We are supporting 2 sites for this event – Chinese Registration (Chinese) and International Registration (English). All Chinese attendees should register at and all International attendees should sign up at

Are you speaking at Xen Summit Asia?

The Xen Summit Asia program committee is looking for you; yes you. Topic submissions for the event are now open for submission at http::// Be the first on your block to submit your topic for inclusion in this exciting event at Intel’s R&D facility in

Xen Training Sessions at USENIX LISA 2009

Jeanna Matthews and Zach Shepherd from Clarkson University are once again providing training on open source Xen at a USENIX Conference; Lisa 2009 in Baltimore, MD from November 1 – 6. The session is on Friday, November 6 from 9 – 5pm. Complete details on the training session is at http://www.

Home Videos of PCI Express x16 VGA pass through to Windows XP HVM DomU on Xen

From Mr Teo En Ming’s personal blog and xen-devel mailing list: I have made and uploaded a two-part video series on VGA pass through to Windows XP HVM domU to YouTube. Here are the YouTube links and videos:

New Community Overview Slides

I have updated the community slides based on the newly announced Cloud Xen project and the new format of the website. The slides are available in pdf: Xen Overview PDF Xen Overview Q3 2009 View more documents from Stephen Spector. If you would like the slide source for

We have a winner - VMWare Xen T-Shirt Contest

Congrats to Doug Lane for this great shot of a Citrix employee at VMWorld with the infamous “You Can’t Lock Xen in a 10×10” shirt. Doug will win the item of his choice (up to $20) from the Store at

What is OVF?

I read a nice blog posting at which explains what OVF is and isn’t. Good read for those of you confused about this new standard.

Simon Crosby on new Cloud Xen Project

Today announced a significant expansion of its charter – the Xen Cloud Platform – with support from the key Xen contributors and project advisory board members, the Linux Foundation and some of the Industry’s largest enterprise cloud providers. The new initiative will unite the Xen community in the delivery

Xen Summit Asia 2009 Topic Submissions

Have you ever wanted to visit China but never had a reason to? Well, now is the time to reconsider and plan for Xen Summit Asia 2009 in Shanghai. Hey, why not speak at the event and truly make your trip to China memorable. Topic submissions for Xen Summit Asia

LINUXCON Session Promotion

For those of you going to LINUXCON in Portland, I highly recommend that you attend this session: Transforming Your Company with Open Source Salon F on Tuesday Sept. 22 from 3:45pm – 4:30pm The speaker, Kartik Subbarao is an independent consultant with a great deal of open source experience