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Ian Pratt PodCast with Doug Brown

For those of you who want to hear Ian’s latest comments on Xen, etc – Doug Brown of has just posted a PodCast at From ( n episode 67,

Latest on Xen Paravirt_Ops

For those of you looking for details on the status of Paravirt_Ops, there is an updated Wiki page at:

Xen Projects on

I did a search of all the Xen related projects and found a list of 63 projects. Many of the projects have no available download which I suppose means that it was not completed (?); however, I found many projects with downloads available for users. The complete list of

Xen Networking Examples

For those of you looking for good examples of Networking, check out the Xen Wiki at If you have more examples that you feel would be useful for the community, please add them to this Wiki page. If you do not have Wiki rights,

Ohloh Journal

Xen Community – I have started a journal on the Ohloh Xen Projects Page ( for anyone interested to follow.  This service allows anyone in Xen to quickly create a Journal and associate it with the Xen project. There are currently 85 people listed as

Live Post - Xen Training Day at USENIX LISA

Xen Community – the Xen training day at LISA is underway with 71 attendees. I have some sample shots from the the meeting to give everyone an idea of the crowd. Thanks for Zach Shepard and Wenjin Hu from Clarkson University for leading the training.

Project Nimbus added to Projects Page

A new Xen-based project is now listed on the Projects page – Project Nimbus. Nimbus is a set of open source tools that together provide an “Infrastructure-as-a-Service” (IaaS) cloud computing solution. Our mission is to evolve the infrastructure with emphasis on the needs of science, but many non-scientific use cases are

Ian Pratt Interview with ZDNet

It’s been a year since Citrix bought XenSource, the company created by the founders of the Xen open-source hypervisor, and integrated the business into its lineup of products delivering applications to desktops. As part of the process, Citrix made the XenServer virtualization software central to its strategy, and appointed

USENIX LISA 2008 Xen Training Day

Update for the community on the Xen Training Day session at USENIX LISA 2008 in 2 weeks – we have 69 people registered for the class which makes us the 2nd most attended training session at the event. There is still time for us to pass the leader who has 74

NEW: Xen Introspection Project Launching...

A new community led project within, the Xen Introspection Project, is being officially launched today. The purpose of the Xen Introspection Project is to design an API for performing VM introspection and implement the necessary functionality into Xen. It is anticipated that the project will include the following

PHP Help Needed

Xen Community – if there is anyone out there with php experience (I imagine there are lots) and has some time to volunteer for than I could use your help. I am working on the implementation of the new Solution Search Tool for which is based on

Open Source Business Conference 2009

I received an invitation to have Xen sponsor a booth at the OSBC 2009 conference in San Francisco. I attended this event earlier in the year, my notes are here, and would like to see if anyone is interested in participating as part of the Xen booth. My thinking is