Xen hack-a-tron day 1
After coffee, breakfast and introductions the Xen hackathon went into full swing. 26 people from a different companies, universities and countries attended the event. Lots of discussion on project ideas, working on code and on specific problems took place.
Some of my personal highlights were:
- Demo of the Linpicker display server for Xen based on the secure virtual platform
- Working on the libxenlight driver for libvirt
- Developing the SSL protocol in OCaml using the Mirage framework
- Planning new features in libxl, such as block device scripts
- Prototyping and planning the port XAPI to libxenlight
We also had unexpected outcomes, such as a the creation of new project ideas for GSoC. There was also discussion about a new Xen.org community driven project: more on this later; it is worth much more coverage than I can give today. And of course people were getting to know each other better.
After a hard day’s work, we are all looking forward to some food and beer at The Castle pub. A big thank you to Ian Campell who did most of the groundwork in terms of organizing the event. And of course there are two more days to go.